Affiliate Program

Affiliate Level: Not Yet Activated - Become An Affiliate

Looking to make extra money while trading? Well look no further. With YinYang Algorithms not only will you amplify your own trading experience, but you can do so for others too and profit while doing it! Our Affiliate Program aims to benefit both you and other users. When a customer signs up using your Affiliate Code at checkout, you will get 8% of the sale price as profit and they will get a bonus 5% off their purchase! Check out how you can increase your sales with Advertising!

The amount you make and the amount customers save is based on your affiliate level. Here is a breakdown of how it works:

Affiliate Level % of sale to Affiliate % off for the Customer $ of Affiliate Sales monthly needed for Level
Bronze 8% 5% $0 - $500
Silver 9% 5% $501 - $2500
Gold 10% 5% $2501 - $10,000
Platinum 11% 5% $10,001 - $25,000
Diamond 13% 5% $25,001 - $50,000
Onyx 15% 5% $50,001+

How $ of Affiliate Sales monthly needed for Level is calculated

Your monthly sales are calculated and distributed at the 1st of each month. They are based on sales made that month + any previous sales that have been renewed. However, when a customer subscribes/renews, there is a 48 hour grace period to account for refunds. Subscribers that fall into this grace period will be displayed as 'Pending' in your Sales Table. If this grace period is during the 1st of the month, then your profit will be carried over to next months Affiliate Payout.

How to Advertise

Advertising can be tricky, especially when you first start. Here are a few tips and tricks to get you started:


1. Social media. This is by far the easiest and cheapest form of advertising that can be seen globally. There are many different socials you can use. Some are: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Discord, Reddit, LinkedIn, YouTube and TradingView. It will take time to build a following, but it's a form of advertising you shouldn't dismiss! You are always welcome to simply 'Retweet' or Share anything we post on our socials and attach your Affiliate Code to it.

2. Word of mouth. It sounds cheesy, but sometimes the best form of advertising is simply talking to friends/family about your interests. Now they might not sign up, but they may go and then tell their friends and you'd be surpised how quickly word can spread.

3. "Babysitter" tear aways. These are pieces of paper that display information and have small strips at the bottom that people can tear away. They're a very cheap form of advertising that you can post in places like: Bus shelters, Display boards (Schools, Cafeterias, Markets, etc) and any other place where job postings are that wont be rained upon.

4. YouTube/Twitch Live Stream. You can stream a live version of BTC/ETH or whatever it is you think will attract attention. You pick the TimeFrame too. You can also Live Stream yourself making trades and/or giving chart analysis. TradingView has a built in feature that allows you to Live Stream 24/7 whatever type of chart you want. The more you directly interact with people, the better chance they're going to sign up using your Affiliate Code.

5. Discord Channel. I know we've already talked about Social Media, but Discord Channels are one of the best ways to interact with current/potential customers. You can talk to them directly, giving advice and feedback. You can also do group calls which add a huge personal touch. You're also able to have a Free and Premium Discord, where you post Price Predictions or other more useful content towards trading and chart analysis.

6. Door to door and Pamphlets. Yes, we're going super old fashion here. This is hard work, but there's a reason people still do it. It works. Getting your foot in the door is always the hardest part, but once you get the ball rolling, and you build up a community, you'll have less work needed. Door to door is more of a starting spot than something to do long term, but the pamphlets can be left in waiting rooms and other locations that have newspapers/pamphlets for people to read. You carve your own destiny, so get to it!

7. Laminated signs. You can use laminated signs almost anywhere as they are waterproof! Similar to Garage Sale, Landscaping and Election signs, you can put them on Street Light poles, stick them in the ground or anything else you can think of! Creativity shines here. They are a little more expensive to make, but they work. Make sure you place them in spots cars and pedestrians stop so they can be read.


8. Advertise in your Local Newspaper. This one is a little more expensive, but we've already covered most of the cheap ones. Usually you can get an ad for $200-500 depending on the size of the ad and how popular the newspaper is.

9. Decal your car and/or Bus. It's expensive, and it doesn't look all that great, but it's still a really good form of advertising. However, this form of advertising is only recommended if you drive fairly often. A parked car won't help you all that much. Buses on the other hand are amazing as they target a great audience that our trading indicators will help the most and appeal to. However you need to rent it and it can be quite costly.

10. Rent a Bus Bench. There is a reason many real estate agents do this, its not too expensive and it get's lots of publicity. People who are using Bus' are one of the key people you are aiming for. We are trying to appeal to people who need an extra boost of income to their daily lives. Most people using public transit will benefit the most from the use of our YinYang Indicators, our Price Predicitions, Chart Analysis and Discord Channel.

11. Rent a Billboard. This is a very expensive form of advertising and only recommended if you're already doing quite well as an Affiliate. Billboards, especially ones in high traffic areas are an insanely good form of advertising if you can afford it!

12. Rent a Lecture Hall. This one is for experienced Affiliates who are also very indepth in the YinYang Indicators, as well as very good traders. You'll need to advertise the lecture, and generally speaking allow people to come for free. Lectures have a very high turn over rate but it's also a risky venture and not advized for new Affiliates/Traders. If you are debating performing a Lecture and wan't some advice and/or feedback, feel free to reach out to us through a Support Ticket or our Discord Channel.

Get Creative! Don't limit yourself to just the suggestions we've mentioned here. Think outside the box and try something new. The only way to succeed is if you're not afraid of failure. Have faith in yourself and put yourself out there! If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us!